
" A Reputable Law Firm Serving Southern California"

Estate Management - Lawyer, Law Firm
Estate Planning

Make sure your assets are in order with estate planning services from property lawyer Thomas M. Bundy based in Ontario, and serving Southern California.

General Practice - Lawyer, Law Firm
General Practice

For legal help in a variety of areas, count on the general legal services from the Law Offices of Thomas M. Bundy.


American Bar Association
California Bar Association

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Washington State Bar Association

Learn More about the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Their Website.


Who We Are

Backed by years of experience, count on the Law Office of Thomas M. Bundy for expert legal advice. Thomas M. Bundy received his JD and a Master's Degree in Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine University, where he also served on the Pepperdine Law Review. Let his knowledge of the law serve you in your legal dispute.

Learn More about the Law Office of Thomas M. Bundy

Contact Thomas M. Bundy to schedule a consultation to discuss your family law matter, personal injury,
trusts, mediation, property, real estate or other legal issues.